Multimedia installation. Immersive.

McColl Center for Arts + Innovation

Charlotte, NC

Etched Mirror detail

An immersive journey through memory and perception.

Presented at the McColl Center for Arts + Innovation “remember” was a building wide, multimedia installation by artist Ivan Toth Depeña. The exhibition explored the idea that through the process of recollection or remembering, your mind collapses time and space into a perceptual experience that lives in the present

Installation View
Neon Interventions
Hanging Etched Mirror Interventions

Using a “choose your own adventure” mechanism that invited the visitor on a journey of discovery through a series interventions ranging from obvious sculptural objects, interactive moments, and hidden or cerebral experiences.

Installation Details
Installation View
Installation View

“remember” examined the context of the McColl Center’s history as a springboard for an interactive, immersive experience. 

Encompassing all of the senses, visitors were be encouraged to explore the interior and exterior architecture of the renovated church by using various “lenses” including a custom mobile app that not only augmented, but activated certain installations.

Installation Details
As a whole, the experience encompassed various media including architecture, audio, video, performance, and sculpture to collapse memory into present moment and led the visitor through a supernatural process of discovery.
Installation View
Screen and Neon Intervention View
Neon intervention with View of Gallery with Depeña's Paintings
Depena's Painting Hybrids, Gallery view
Depena's Print Hybrids, Gallery view
Neon intervention with View of Gallery with Depeña's Paintings
Depena's Painting Hybrids, Gallery view
Depena's Print Hybrids, Gallery view

Presented at the McColl Center for Arts + Innovation “remember” was a building wide, multimedia installation by artist Ivan Toth Depeña. The exhibition explored the idea that through the process of recollection or remembering, your mind collapses time and space into a perceptual experience that lives in the present.

Using a “choose your own adventure” mechanism that invited the visitor on a journey of discovery through a series interventions ranging from obvious sculptural objects, interactive moments, and hidden or cerebral experiences.

“remember” examined the context of the McColl Center’s history as a springboard for an interactive, immersive experience. Encompassing all of the senses, visitors were be encouraged to explore the interior and exterior architecture of the renovated church by using various “lenses” including a custom mobile app that not only augmented, but activated certain installations. As a whole, the experience encompassed various media including architecture, audio, video, performance, and sculpture to collapse memory into present moment and led the visitor through a supernatural process of discovery.